The pearl of Sorrento

Among the various treasures in our Peninsula, a little irregular, tiny and brown chest contains a real pearl.. the Sorrento’s Walnut.
Traces of this kind of plantation date back to Roman times, who considered the nut as symbol of prosperity and to Pompeian times, who cultivate a variety comparable to the one still existing in our Peninsula.
The Sorrento’s walnuts can be of two different types: one, elongated and sharp at the extremity and the other, slightly tinier and round with a smoother shell.
This shell holds the real Pearl, a slightly oily, white- cream kernel with a pleasant taste.
If regularly consumed, the Sorrento’s walnuts can contribute to the decrease of cholesterol (LDL).
Besides being great antioxidant there are known to be positive agents to the decrease of heart attack (less than 25% for who consumes them at least one time a week).
Slow Food’s safeguard, countless are the employments in cuisine: first course, second course, desserts and also liquors.
Be careful friends, not all the walnuts are from Sorrento… so, pay attention to each walnut you eat!
When the walnut’s kernel splits up from its shell, when, only during the autumn period, it is easy to find tons of those, when they are not elongated or round but smooth and with a thin shell.. that… it’s the real Pearl of Sorrento!
And now, you just need to hurry up and hunt for it because time is running out. Would you like to taste it?