September 25, 2018 / Fashion


Since September, as a tradition, is the Fashion Month, it brings with it the entry of new trends which will accompany us during the next year.

We have already decided which we are going to wear during the next winter, which coat, which shoes, and all the accessories to combine during the next Fall/Winter Season.

Anyway, one of the accessories which creates some indecisions is the bag. The question is always: Mini or Maxi?

The debate is always open between the Maximalist and the Minimalist. Some people would never separate themselves from their tote bag, cushy and comfortable, because they would never go out without taking everything that could be necessary during the day; others just prefer the crossbody bag or mini bag, which are essential as their contents. And then, there are the “stylish-est ones, chosen at any size, to meet any circumstances.

On one thing we all agree, the bag is essential.

I have chosen the Mini one. How about You?

Marzia Notarianni
