God saves her majesty Pizza Margherita

In the streets of Naples, you can’t be indifferent to her perfume. An overwhelming trail, that smells of tomato, that tells of braid, that smells good!
Extra-loved, extra-imitated all over the world , the “queen” Pizza Margherita, nowadays at the venerable age of 129 years reach our hearts and our stomachs .
Its creator, Raffaele Esposito parthenopean DOC, had a simple idea but extremely genial. Adding all the most typical tastes of his earth TOMATO, MOZZARELLA and BASIL, on a base of leavened dough to flavour the digestibility, delighted queen Margherita Di Savoia with his tasteful idea .
She was kidnapped and also as by years and in spite of diet and line.
And then there isn’t a better occasion than “Naples Pizza Village”, a date to taste this deliciousness, to discover every secret and know its origins.
You’ll find a lot of reinterpretation of historical Parthenopean Pizzamakers and important persons in Pizza World.
After telling you this you must go there and taste the deliciousness of Pizza Margherita but be careful it will hit your heart: because the directly way to the heart passes through the stomach.
Valentina Gargiulo